Justine Tunney
Justine Tunney
Also thank you for taking the time to contribute!
Yeah we used to have a linting rule. But we took it out for this reason. Right now we have two good proposals on the table. We would benefit from...
Thank you for chiming in. In that case it might be best if we held off on this feature for now. Right now I have a few other important features...
Please see my email response on the rules_closure mailing list. We need the support of the rules_typescript team to go forward with something like this.
*[Background: Here's the [link](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/closure-rules-discuss/D7d_B-iBDwU) to the discussion thread.]* @ribrdb I appreciate the work you've put into this. I want to see something like this happen. I just want to make...
Doesn't it do that already?
That's available on maven in separate jar that zips them all together. It's currently not available in Closure Rules. We could certainly add it and make it available under certain...
I would recommend implementing the workaround you described for the time being. Defining a good public build API for all these externs is probably not something I have the cycles...
I feared this would have happened. The short answer is to use the escape hatch and add `suppress_on_all_sources_in_transitive_closure = ["analyzerChecks"]` to your `closure_js_binary` rule. The long answer is we probably...
> I don't understand how it could selectively apply a different set of checks to sub-partitions of these input files, without modification of the compiler itself. That's exactly what Closure...