Jarrod Urban
Jarrod Urban
I just ran into this issue too. Also, about 30 minutes of frustration. Other than this, I am impressed with the project. 👍
I am so glad I found this issue since I was about to write my own. I am also having this issue.
I noticed that the "to-be-reproduced" tag was added to this issue. I am willing to spend a bit of time setting up a minimal example of the issue I am...
When using Vite and the authentication documentation here: https://docs.amplify.aws/ui/auth/authenticator/q/framework/vue I hit the same nodejs issues this issue describes. So with this, ``` "dependencies": { "@aws-amplify/ui-components": "^1.1.0", "aws-amplify": "^3.3.24", "vue": "^3.0.5"...
RSS would be great. There is also a new format called [Json Feed](https://jsonfeed.org/version/1) that may be a bit easier to implement. [Feedbin](https://github.com/feedbin/feedbin) already [supports](https://feedbin.com/blog/2017/05/22/feedbin-supports-json-feed/) it.
Maybe we could do both. I am still very much addicted to my RSS reader. Maybe this just shows my age. :scream_cat:
I think it is a great time to make this happen. The current README has many errors that don't work if they are copy and pasted into a REPL. Tut...
Lol, Maybe. You opened the issue in 2015. ;-) In particular how do I use the ShapelessScanner without publishing the jar locally?
:+1: As a side note on your second point it also makes sense to me to have both site have the same production environment. This would make errors easier to...
I just ran into the same issue with bcrypt. I also, was trying to hash a password.