This can be difficult, since we have to write formulas which reference factor levels. Currently, we have to do so by referencing the integer index of the factor level we...
Here's a small issue that will improve visualization in certain types of networks. Can we add functionality to change the layout in `plot.HydeNetwork()`? See this network for example: ``` g
At some point, we need to mirror our JAGS functionality to Stan. Stan is newer, faster, more comprehensive, and offers somewhat simpler syntax than JAGS. Most importantly, it's becoming quite...
(You might want to find something on which you can direct your frustration before reading on! Or at least a quiet place to lament collaborating with someone who doesn't quite...
We should maybe throw in a few of the most commonly-used citation style files (.csl), available at https://www.zotero.org/styles, in the templates folder. Perhaps with a way to change both the...
It would be useful for project management purposes to have a `last_touched` timestamp associated with each project. This could be based on when the metadata were last updated, or when...
We could make a deadlines() function that is basically a dedicated print method for displaying upcoming deadlines. ``` deadlines % filter(!is.na(deadline)) %>% arrange(deadline) } ``` Maybe there could be a...