Jaroslav Líbal
Jaroslav Líbal
The [docs](https://github.com/DusanKasan/Knapsack#sliceint-from-int-to--collection) for the slice function says: > Returns a lazy collection of items which are part of the original collection from item number $from to item number $to **inclusive**....
Hello, is there any way how to compare collections strictly in the intersect() method? The problem is that the `in_array` function used at https://github.com/DusanKasan/Knapsack/blob/master/src/collection_functions.php#L1301 causes the "Nesting level too deep...
The FilterRange filter does not work correctly when one (or both) of the limit values equals to 0 (zero). **Steps to reproduce:** 1. Add the number (or text) column to...
Steps to reproduce: - Add the radio list to the form. - Let the "please select some option" validation error occur (f.ex. submit the form without data). - Select some...
Would it be possible to allow the Nette\Utils in versions 4.x, please? According to my quick look at the code, nothing should be affected.
In DoctrineDataSource the Paginator from Doctrine (Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator) is used for situations when JOIN or GROUP BY is used. I assume this is because of the "to-many" relationships - we want...