Progress: Finished Issue Tracker and Journey Map, starting demographic analysis and documentation Blockers: n/a Availability: steady progress ETA: 6/1
Progress: Testing completed, analysis begun Blockers: none Availability: meeting 2x/week and asynchronous work between ETA: for complete report for leads review Nov 5th
Progress: Testing completed 10/1/2022, analysis completed, report in progress Blockers: none Availability: team will review report this week ETA: report draft ready for leads meeting Oct. 15th
Jamie sketched out 2 FAQ admin design options and created these narrative videos explaining them. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/92768513/199647943-a5980614-904f-4615-8181-a9eaf993f048.mov https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/92768513/199648038-34850fe4-998a-4aa5-8626-f8880d284f8f.mov
Name: Jill Armitage GitHub handle: jarmitageux Role (as you would propose it be displayed): UX Researcher SLACK ID: Jill Armitage / U02HPUSATL2
Progress: Presentation deck draft in progress 90% done Blockers: Time available and lots of information to organize Availability: 5 hrs ETA: Draft will be ready for Sat 10am meeting for...
Progress: Revising slide deck after receiving feedback Blockers: None Availability: 5 hrs ETA: Aiming to have revisions done by end of Feb Requesting any other feedback on the presentation and/or...
@Noushie Could you please move your presentation deck into the shared drive or link a pdf. We do not have access to the file you linked. Thanks!
Progress: Requested revisions implemented in presentation deck- just finalizing last slide and adding considered approaches to solution Blockers: Final approval by PMs and Bonnie Availability: 5 hrs ETA: Will be...
REMOVED: * 3 has too much information DONE: * 5 say something about why we reviewed it with these technically savvy user group DONE: * new slide add bullets about...