Jack Armitage

Results 73 comments of Jack Armitage

@vivid-synth I just retested with the below setup and got the same clicks, no errors ```supercollider SynthDef(\foo4, {|out=0,freq=440| }).send(s); ~dirt.soundLibrary.addSynth(\foo4, (instrument: \foo4, argNames: [\out, \freq])); ``` ```haskell :set -XDataKinds import...

Here's the full output with `s.dumpOSC(1);` on ``` SuperDirt: listening to Tidal on port 57120 -> a SuperDirt // ~dirt.addModule('sound'... -> a DirtSoundLibrary // ~dirt.soundLibrary.addSynth(\foo4... [ "#bundle", 0, [ "/dumpOSC",...

@telephon still just clicking sounds Example: ``` [ "#bundle", 15981576535494287961, [ 12, 1003, 1 ], [ 12, 1002, 1 ], [ "/g_new", 1124, 1, 2 ], [ "/s_new", "foo4", -1,...

@vivid-synth yes that works - you don't need to add the synth before `SuperDirt.start` either Thanks both for looking into this. I can just define `vivid1`, `vivid2`, `vivid3` etc for...

Another possibility here would be to build an OSC bridge with Tidal or Strudel or Vortex. All of the above also show more ideas for how to implement pattern parsers...

@SijmenSchoon do you mind sharing how you created/structured your `.app` bundle?

One way this could work is that the panning runs one event or one cycle behind so that it knows where to interpolate to. Thoughts? And, maybe smooth isn't a...

> ah I see, so you want a pan that moves within each event. It would be possible to add a panFrom parameter. Yes, and that's a better suggestion. >...

I was thinking slightly more generally "parameter interpolation". It's going to give parameters more independence from the main pattern structure, so there should be a clear way to use the...

I see, although I'm not sure `:` would be very scalable for this use case: - Writing/reading long patterns with many `:` would be hard - Trouble combining `:` with...