I made a replacement version for my own needs here: https://github.com/plutoniummod/landing/blob/develop/src/components/NextBannerMeta.jsx If i have time I'll open a PR but I'm not sure if it satisfies everyone's needs.
Congratulations @untra , you're now a maintainer.
@untra @JoshuaWalsh give me your npm usernames and I will give you write access to the npm package also.
What is it you're trying to achieve, exactly? Do you want to exempt files from your public folder? Why? Probably better to stop gatsby from generating those unwanted files in...
Maybe? But not really a fan of that because it's supposed to only exists of values that we directly pass through to the SDK. We'd be inserting our own arbitrary...
Good idea!
This is by design. The package you mentioned [makes use](https://github.com/dabit3/gatsby-auth-starter-aws-amplify/blob/52fb936813008110df3aae7fbe793f62788b1882/gatsby-node.js#L14) of a gatsby 'feature' called [client only routes](https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/building-apps-with-gatsby/#client-only-routes--user-authentication). This is probably behaviour you want, because without it if people navigate...
Good idea. Gonna look into this.
Right now in it's current state it will overwrite the existing routing rules, so if you have multiple gatsby sites in the same bucket, it will keep overriding the most...
Released in 0.3.0