Jared Vacanti
Jared Vacanti
I can confirm this after testing the most recent version just published today to PyPI.
Is there a distinction between having the Gitlab CI be able to publish packages to a verdaccio instance and having the CI/CD tool pull from private verdaccio registry (authenticated publishing...
@mfauvain , can you expand on if your homebridge setup gets APNS push notifications? I'm assuming you use https://github.com/Sunoo/homebridge-camera-ffmpeg or https://github.com/seydx/homebridge-camera-ui to view ZM cameras. ZMeventnotification sends messages to mosquitto...
Is current best practice to use an asyncio executor when using `presto-python-client` in existing asynchronous applications? Are there alternative methods?
If some of the 'standards' are always included, DEBUG_TB_PANELS should still include the defaults and the list is for additional panels.