Johnny Jarecsni

Results 12 comments of Johnny Jarecsni

Ok thanks I will give it a bash. In the meantime I resorted to including the snapshots in the tests themselves and comparing to wrapper.html() which is quite readable.

@jeanlauliac Thanks for explaining the background! I think what you describe toward the end is exactly what people (including me) expect to happen: 1) provide a way to inform the...

Ok fair enough. I will have a think about it (I am not familiar with RN packager etc. so it may be a bit of a learning curve for me...

No worries, and no haven't solved it. What I'm using is a sort of manual snapshot comparison instead. I'd still be interested if this could be made to work.

@sjlevine I'd be interested in doing this. I was wondering if simply counting the left and right parens would do the trick? If the parens are balanced, it means we...

Good point :) Ok, I will try to put something together during Christmas, it's an interesting one, and I think it would be a nice one to have.

Alternatively some key combination like Shift+Enter could be used to allow the user to continue on the next line. This way there's no need (for now) to do some involved...

It's beyond me. Atom is hands down better than VSCode and still this issue of proxy configuration is left unattended. What can be the reason for this? This is clearly...

This forum doesn't seem to be getting much attention from the developers... top issue was opened a month ago, noone replied. I'm not trying to blame anyone, just trying to...