Annaia Danvers

Results 25 issues of Annaia Danvers

You might also take a look at Lisping for iPad, which attempted to make a more touch friendly interface for Lisp editing.

Running Mac OS 10.14 and the latest Chrome build, I don't get a functional preview window. It opens, but there's no data in it, just filler text, like this: Sometimes...

Version: 1.8.0, 1.9.0-alpha ``` $ npm -v 5.6.0 $ pnpm -v 2.14.4 $ node -v v8.11.4 ``` I'm working on building a Glitch template project for CLJS, and I've got...

I've been working on some code to generate reitit routes based on malli schemas, and wanted to write some tests to make sure the schema checking/coercion is done properly. We've...

Better TweetDeck has rolled out a feature to hide accounts with the new NFT avatars from Twitter Blue: It would be really great to have this function in TNT...

good first issue

As discussed in the Racketfest 2019 presentation, I would like to consider adding predicate typing to function and variable declarations. This would necessitate changes in three places: `def`, `def fn`,...

It is possible to allow the user to bind their own name to the for loop's inner variable, and the code to do so is actually simpler than the current,...


I've discovered in the process of prepping my latest talk that we are missing several important math operators, such as: - [ ] `=` - [x] `^` or `expt`


At present, all things have to be initialized with values at description or creation. This is partly due to how the internals work, and partly just a holdover from the...


As time goes on, more features are added to Heresy all the time, and I don't always have time to integrate them into the documentation. This thread is intended to...
