
Results 72 issues of jarble

In some cases, it should be possible to translate Java classes to GLSL structs, but I'm not sure if JLSL can do this yet. This is a simple Java class...

I tried to define a function with inferred parameter types and return types: ``` function any: add(any:a, any:b) = a+b; any: a1 = add(3,4); ``` But the compiler shows these...

My wireless network connection is occasionally disrupted. Whenever this happens, Loophole attempts to reconnect 5 times and then quits. Instead of quitting when the network goes down, should Loophole stay...


I tried to run this model in the [MiniZinc playground](https://play.minizinc.dev/) using the Chuffed solver: ``` enum functions = {animal,dog}; type func = record(functions:funcs,int: input); array[1..10] of var func:funcs; function var...


Does MiniZinc have a built-in function to convert strings to arrays of integers? I found some builtin functions that [convert other data types to strings](https://www.minizinc.org/doc-2.4.3/en/lib-builtins.html#string-operations), but not vice-versa.

I tried to a run a small program from [an online tutorial](https://www.programiz.com/cpp-programming/library-function/cstdio/printf), but web-cpp won't compile it: ``` #include int main() { int x = 5; char my_name[] = "Lincoln";...

I want to render a very large fractal landscape using Donatello, but this would require the level of detail to be adjusted in real-time, so that nearby objects would be...

There's currently no way to share links to programs in the Zig playground. But there should be a way to save a link to a program in a query string,...

This list currently doesn't include compilers that translate JavaScript into Python, like [JS2Py](https://github.com/PiotrDabkowski/Js2Py). Will any of these compilers be included in the list?

While I was [testing Jison here](http://zaa.ch/jison/try/), I found that Jison was unable to generate a parser from this simple grammar, since it contains the literal `"constructor"`: ``` /* lexical grammar...