Jaron Arbet

Results 10 issues of Jaron Arbet

`dfSummary` creates histograms for continuous variables. However, currently the xaxis below the histogram does not contain any tick mark labels, so it is unclear which values correspond to the bars...


`dfSummary` makes histograms for all numeric variables. Would it be possible to have an option to show boxplots instead? That way we could potentially identify outlier observations as dots beyond...

help wanted

For `run_all_consensus_partition_methods`: > When `top_n` > 5000, the function only randomly sample 5000 rows from `top_n` rows I understand the limitation of 5000 may help computation speed, but would it...

Is it possible to impute mixed numeric/categorical data within `train`'s `preProc` argument? I want to impute within `train`'s cross validation, thereby accounting for how uncertainty in imputations affects estimation of...

I am trying to use `caret` to fit a random forest binary classification model using `OOB` resampling with a custom summary measure. However, I get the following warning: ``` library(caret);...

### Expected behavior For `coxph`, if a predictor has missing values, those subjects are excluded by default. Thus for `ggforest`, I would expect the sample size to show the number...

I have a question about the notation you are using for `lme4::lmer`. Consider [your example](https://datalorax.github.io/equatiomatic/articles/lme4-lmer.html#unconditional-models): ![image](https://github.com/datalorax/equatiomatic/assets/103967480/5bc6afea-cc6f-47e6-aae3-546068c0ef4d) Why did you parameterize *multiple* variances for the random intercepts as $\sigma^2_{\alpha_j}$ for $j=1,...,J$...


When the number of predictors is large, `model.matrix` quickly blows up memory when using the formula interface. For example, I get memory errors when trying to fit a model with...

By default, it seems `skim` truncates long factor levels. Is there an option to print the entire factor level? ``` r suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(skimr)); suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(rchallenge)); data('german', package = 'rchallenge'); # notice the...

It would be super cool to add support for "small sample corrected cluster sandwich standard errors" for a proportional odds (PO) regression model. The PO model works for ordinal categorical...