Thanks for your quick answer. * Concerning your first point: I agree that one needs to stop somewhere. Still, many models are of class "lm", so I assume that having...
Changing the class is an option, if I can control the style file. Would it be possible to directly change the style of the column? Note that your example changes...
Actually, I would think that most tables that you can find (and that are more or less well-typeset) are not vertically aligned to the centre. Could you give me a...
Ok, ignore my question. I agree that there are applications where vertical centering might make sense. But in other tables it looks much more natural to have the first rows...
Thank you for your help! I got this technical solution to work in RStudio, when looking at the widget in a browser, as you described (i.e. click on "show in...
Ah, right, makes sense. Thanks a lot for the quick answer!
I mostly use `gam` or `glm` objects. I guess that you are aware of the `strip`-package? Interestingly, it uses a hybrid approach: https://github.com/paulponcet/strip/blob/master/R/strip_.glm.R When axing for prediction, a "negative list"...
See also: https://github.com/tidyverse/ggplot2/issues/4650#issuecomment-1214136938. Where it is suggested, that the primary axis should automatically take the opposite `position` of the secondary axis.
Thanks for the pointer to cli, @gaborcsardi. Just for curiosity, who is "we" (in "we prefer" cli)? Do you consider `progress` to be deprecated?
Thank you, good to know.