Jappie Klooster

Results 61 comments of Jappie Klooster

@basvandijk please add me or robx as maintainer on hackage, my hackage name is Jappie (case sensitive).

presumably this is the source of the naming: http://www.unicode.org/Public/UCD/latest/ucd/CaseFolding.txt I intend to link to that in the docs

@arybczak I'd like to suggest making a release on hackage. it looks like the scrive fork is much better then what's currently on hackage, (after reading parsonsmatt review). I also...

you need to be member of the wheel group and the wheel group needs to be on your system

So we want to: 1. run vodus on given twitchuri. 2. merge the result into the input file. (https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/233832/merge-two-video-clips-into-one-placing-them-next-to-each-other) 3. run regular cut-the-crap? In that order the time stamps remain...

https://stackoverflow.com/questions/308695/how-do-i-concatenate-const-literal-strings-in-c If you have some C experience as well as basic haskell knowledge. this should be quite easy.

I'll probably fix this myself though, because it's important.

@lijovklm that's pretty cool, it goes the other way though, cutting out uninetersting parts for videos that have already been published, whereas this project allows the publisher to cut out...

well, I'm trying to host this as a webserver: https://videocut.org/ It's not quite working yet, turns out uploading large files isn't that easy. But I should have something useable probably...