Hi Anders. Thanks for the suggestions. I now tried to use shielded cable (5meter) and connect shield to real ground in one end. No improvement. There is still at least...
My two cent info: Last year I was installing pellmon on a RPI v3 and changed to a older RPI v2 and boot without GUI. Just by swapping the SD...
Was running for several day without any problem. The log was not giving any warnings, only the 7 lines showing above dated "2018-03-18 04-10-10.53.634 ...... " Probably because I use...
I struggle with installing Stretch Light, so I ones again, installed Stretch Full on a new SD card. Pellmon v0.7.1-alpha1. The time stamp show a god run for 18 hour,...
In "raspi-config" I chose OneWire and Serial. I now see that the Serial should't be needed since it run over USB, or !
I clone the project, what to do next. I'm lost, and dumb. > pi@raspberrypi:~/PellMon $ ./autogen.sh > ./autogen.sh: line 1: autoreconf: command not found This is content of autogen.sh file:...
Thanks. I now try and get this: ``` pi@raspberrypi:~/PellMon/src $ ./pellmonsrv debug No option 'plugin_dirs' in section: 'plugin_settings' /home/pi/PellMon/src/Pellmonsrv/plugins/onewire/__init__ /home/pi/PellMon/src/Pellmonsrv/plugins/nbecom/__init__ /home/pi/PellMon/src/Pellmonsrv/plugins/pelletcalc/__init__ /home/pi/PellMon/src/Pellmonsrv/plugins/scottecom/__init__ /home/pi/PellMon/src/Pellmonsrv/plugins/customalarms/__init__ /home/pi/PellMon/src/Pellmonsrv/plugins/exec/__init__ /home/pi/PellMon/src/Pellmonsrv/plugins/cleaning/__init__ /home/pi/PellMon/src/Pellmonsrv/plugins/silolevel/__init__ /home/pi/PellMon/src/Pellmonsrv/plugins/consumption/__init__ /home/pi/PellMon/src/Pellmonsrv/plugins/raspberrygpio/__init__ /home/pi/PellMon/src/Pellmonsrv/plugins/owfs/__init__ /home/pi/PellMon/src/Pellmonsrv/plugins/calculate/__init__...