Jan van der Linde
Jan van der Linde
Good morning. The provincial data for confirmed cases for 2021-07-05 is missing. Should I add it manually or would you prefer to have the scraper make another pass and add...
> Seems to be there (line 487): > > https://github.com/dsfsi/covid19za/blob/master/data/covid19za_provincial_cumulative_timeline_confirmed.csv#L487 Louis, apologies if I missed something, will check my import again tonight and get back to you.
> Seems to be there (line 487): > > https://github.com/dsfsi/covid19za/blob/master/data/covid19za_provincial_cumulative_timeline_confirmed.csv#L487 My mistake, sorry. Data for 05 July 2021 is indeed available in the confirmed cases file, but is missing from...