
Results 7 comments of jantin1

Same problem on Windows 10. I had Inoreader feeds synced with Raven and Raven did not fetch anything. I thought it's because some kind of problem with fetching stuff I...

Hi! Just a heads-up, the problem persists in 1.0.73, albeit I can refresh individual feeds and then they fetch as intended. It's however quite tedious to click through all subscriptions...

Hello I'm back to this thread as I'm experiencing very inconsistent behaviour. In the last two days Raven Reader was fetching news correctly, first at startup and then consistently during...

I have installed Raven Reader on PopOS (an Ubuntu-based Linux distribution) and observed identical behaviour as described above in Windows 10.

Hello, I found the reason of this problem. I need to preface this post with saying, that I am NOT a developer, but since I like Raven Reader very much...

Hello I can confirm this problem exists in the QGIS plugin (QGIS version 3.28.2) on Windows 10. I have installed PCRaster backend with OSGeo4W and the plugin to access the...

I want to create a Strahler order map. I have a DEM in .tiff format. I have created a LDD map with the` lddcreate` operation (the one which takes around...