
Results 29 comments of Jan

Hi, have the same problem. I think there is a collision problem with the autocomplete plugin from Sascha Gehlich. https://github.com/saschagehlich/autocomplete-snippets Greets

This is a problem indeed. I have also multiple projects in my sitebar open. And normally it is not the first one which I need in the listed directory. Could...

Hi, yes I have. But what was the solution?

Hi, i have the same issue. On me it duplicates and will have a break after every letter. ![Image of hyperterm](http://fs5.directupload.net/images/161025/g9snbkcb.jpg)

This would be great. also because I hide my items to get two new. And I don't like it to see this black point the whole time. It is a...

HI, I thought I installed it through Composer but it's been a while so I could be wrong. Okay second question. Would it not be a good idea to serve...

Hi, the problem is actual not solved. [Here](https://electron.atom.io/releases/) you see the latest version is 1.6.11. But Devtron say the latest is 1.7.4. ![bildschirmfoto 2017-07-11 um 17 05 59](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/754880/28075326-72dc7e50-665b-11e7-8e64-67ab08aa5d6e.jpg)

Hi, as a path: `` or as circle ``

Hi, oaky thats an impression calculation :). I don't know if calc gets problems with this nested calculations. I used it only for simple arithmetik before. Actually I have no...

Hi, its because your example on your readme have a indent. I had also the problem. Cheers