
Results 7 comments of Jan

can someone give me a hint? Where is the difference or advantages between the jwt.refresh middleware and a token TTL of infinity? I just don't understand.

I have a similar problem. The documentation is unfortunately insufficient. I would like to send notifications every Monday at 20:00, is that possible?

@ralscha I went through the source code and come to the same conclusion. I have now switched back to the cordova plugin https://github.com/katzer/cordova-plugin-local-notifications

@jaydrogers i tested your fork on a Simulator with a iPhone X on iOS 12.4 Compiled on XCode 14. Add the moment screen orientation does not lock in any directions

I run into the same issue today

I have tested the PR changes once in the iPhone simulator. With an iPhone on iOS 16, it now works as expected. However, it is now broken for older iOS...

Daily Notifications should work. In my app the user can set a weekday and a time when notification should be sent, e.g. ```ts import { LocalNotificationSchema, LocalNotifications, Weekday } from...