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benri is a c++ library for compile time checking of physical quantities.
benri is a c++ library for working with physical quantities. Quantities are the
combination of a value with a unit. For example: the quantity 1km
consists of the value
and the unit kilometre
. The library allows the definition of arbitrary units and
provides a container type for quantities. The container handles unit conversions and
dimensional checking. Furthermore, a replacement for most of the <cmath>
is provided, to easily updated existing code.
In the following, instructions for installing and using benri are provided. If you want more information, please read the later sections on specific topics, have a look at the examples folder or scroll through the unit and dimension list in
Install without using cmake
The easiest way to get benri, is to clone the git repository, add the include/
directory to your project, and use the library by adding the following includes to your
#include <benri/si/si.h>
#include <benri/cmath.h>
In order to test if you set up benri correctly, try the following example for a cake recipe.
#include <benri/si/si.h>
#include <benri/cmath.h>
#include <iostream>
int main()
using namespace benri::si; //Import si literals.
using namespace benri::casts; //Import casts into namespace for ADL to work.
//Set size of the cake.
auto height = 4_centi * metre;
auto diameter = 30_centi * metre;
//Calculate the volume.
auto volume = height * constant::pi * square(diameter / 2.0);
//Set the density of the batter.
auto density = 1_gram / cubic(centi * metre);
//Calculate the mass of the cake.
auto mass = density * volume;
//Print the recipe.
<< " vanilla cake \n"
<< "----------------\n"
<< ceil(mass * 0.028).value() << " gram butter\n"
<< ceil(mass * 0.099).value() << " gram sugar\n"
<< ceil(mass * 0.0635).value() << " gram flour\n"
<< ceil(mass / 2828.0).value() << " pack of backing soda\n"
<< floor(mass * 0.002).value() << " eggs\n"
<< ceil(mass * 0.1765).value() << " gram quark cream\n"
<< ceil(mass * 0.0705).value() << " gram oil\n"
<< ceil(mass / 2828.0).value() << " pack of vanille aroma\n"
<< ceil(mass / 2828.0).value() << "/2 litre milk\n"
<< std::flush;
If it works, you are good to go!
Install using cmake
If you are using cmake, you can use benri by cloning the repository and adding the
and target_link
library command to your CMakeLists.txt
. A simple
project file might look like this.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.1)
#Define the project.
add_executable(hello_benri main.cpp)
#Add the benri repository.
#Add the library to the project.
target_link_libraries(hello_benri PRIVATE benri)
TL;DR / Using benri
The library provides several literal types, which can be used in the following way.
//Import si literals.
using namespace benri::si;
//Import casts into namespace for ADL to work.
using namespace benri::casts;
//Compose quantities using a prefix literal and a unit constant.
auto capacity = 10_micro * farad;
//Prefix literals can be omitted.
auto resistance_a = 10_one * ohm;
auto resistance_b = 10_ohm;
//The kilogram is the only exception to the composition rule.
auto mass_a = 5_kilogram;
auto mass_b = 5_kilo * gram; //Both are fine.
benri automatically converts units for you.
auto volume = 3_metre * 2_metre * 1.5_metre;
if (volume < 4_cubic * metre) //Works.
However, benri strictly forbids any math on quantities with mismatching units or mismatching value types. Quantities have to be explicitly cast to have the same unit/value type.
auto volume = 3_centi * metre * 2_metre * 1.5_metre;
if (volume < 4_cubic * metre) //Does not compile!
if (simple_cast<decltype(cubic * metre)>(volume) < 4_cubic * metre) //Works.
if (volume < simple_cast<decltype(volume)>(4_cubic * metre)) //Works.
benri provides sensible replacements for most <cmath>
#include <benri/cmath.h>
auto x = 3_metre;
auto y = 5_metre;
auto angle = atan2(y,x);
auto sinus = sin(angle);
The pow
function has a specialized overload to deal with powers of units.
//The proper way.
auto area = pow<2>(10_metre); //Calculates the square.
auto length = pow<1,3>(area * 20_metre) //Calculates the cubic root.
//The following does not work because benri can only handle integer powers at
//compile time. The given powers however are set at runtime (and not integer...)
auto area = pow(10_metre, 2.0); //Calculates the square.
auto length = pow(area * 20_metre, 1.0/3.0) //Calculates the cubic root.
The log
function is overloaded as well.
auto length = 10_metre;
//The log of a unit does not make sense.
auto logarithm = log10(length);
//The proper way.
auto logarithm = log10(length / metre);
//The shortcut.
auto logarithm = log10<decltype(metre)>(length);
Moreover, benri provides a range of helper functions for powers.
auto area = square(10_metre); //(10m)^2
auto volume = cubic(10_metre); //(10m)^3
auto special = quartic(10_metre); //(10m)^4
In addition to the SI units, the following headers are provides, which put their units in a sub-namespace of the same name.
//Astronomical units -- si::astronomic
#include <benri/si/astronomic.h>
//CGS system units based on SI units -- si::cgs
#include <benri/si/cgs.h>
//Computer Science units -- si::data
#include <benri/si/data.h>
//Imperial units based on SI units -- si::imperial
#include <benri/si/imperial.h>
//Temperature scale units (includes imperial temperature) -- si::temperature
#include <benri/si/temperature.h>
//Includes all of the above
#include <benri/si/everything.h>
Last but not least, benri provides a range of constants for calculation.
auto energy = constant::planck_constant *
constant::speed_of_light / 10e-9_metre; //Energy in Joule.
auto force = constant::gravitational_constant *
60_kilogram *
80_kilogram / square(1_metre); //Force in Newton.
Furthermore, constants provide an overload for symbolic calculations, which is handy for intermediate calculations.
auto energy = constant::planck_constant *
symbol::speed_of_light / 10e-9_metre; //Energy in c×Joule.
auto impulse = energy * symbol::speed_of_light; //Impulse in Newton second
This was the TL;DR. Have fun with benri!
Using benri
The benri library tries to help writing correct and efficient c++ programmes using the following principles:
- Be correct.
- Be explicit.
- Be sane.
- Be as efficient as possible.
In the following, these principles are explained in detail.
Be correct. (No stupid semantic errors.)
benri aims to help you write correct c++ programs on the first try. It especially wants
to protect you from stupid semantic errors. If your program compiles, it should be correct.
An infamous example of this kind of error is the
Mars Climate Orbiter. The probe
crashed into Mars because one of its sensors was giving data in pound-force seconds
instead of newton seconds
. However, this discrepancy was not checked for, leading to
faulty steering commands and finally to the destruction of the probe.
benri checks for these kind of errors and will fail to compile. For example:
void steer_mars_climate_orbiter(quantity<newton_second_t> force);
steer_mars_climate_orbiter(3_pound_force * second); //Will not compile.
However, benri cannot prevent you from doing all stupid things:
double get_thrust_in_pound_force_second();
auto get_thrust_force()
return quantity<newton_second_t>(get_thrust_in_pound_force_second()); //Just don't!
Be explicit. (No overflowing/faulty conversions.)
The libraries forces users to be as explicit with their programming as possible. The reason being that the implicit conversions are very error prone and can lead to unintended consequences. Therefore nearly all conversions between units and values need to be made explicit. For example:
//Dummy function.
auto test(quantity<metre_t>);
//Works fine.
//Does not compile because converting cm to m might cause an overflow in the value
//of the quantity.
test(2000_centi * metre);
//Works fine. The conversion is now explicitely visible.
test(simple_cast<decltype(centi * metre)>(2000_centi * metre));
This rule applies to math as well. For addition/subtraction implicit conversions are not allowed. Multiplication/division is fine because we can save the value in a new type. For example:
auto a = 2_metre + 4_metre; //Works fine.
auto b = 2_metre + 400_centi * metre; //Does not compile because a conversion is
auto c = 2_metre / 1_second; //Works fine. Result is in m/s.
auto d = 200_centi * metre / 1_second; //Works fine. Result is in cm/s.
Furthermore, implicit conversions for comparisons are not allowed:
auto check_a = f < 3_metre / second; //Works fine.
auto check_b = f < 3_centi * metre / second; //Does not compile because a conversion is
auto check_c = f < g; //Does not compile because a conversion is
auto check_d = f < simple_cast<decltype(f)>(3_centi * metre / second); //Works fine.
auto check_e = f < simple_cast<decltype(f)>(g); //Works fine.
Be sane. (Don't do weird things.)
The benri library tries to behave in a resonable way and as one expects. The goal is to always behave in a non-surprising way. Thus, overloads for commonly used functions and operators, as well as for dimensionless units are implemented. In addition, unusual usage is disabled where ever possible. For example:
auto a = 1_metre;
a += 10_centi * metre; //Does not compile because a conversion is necessary.
a += 10.0; //Does not compile because a dimensionless quantity is used.
auto b = 1_one;
a += 10_one; //Works fine.
a += 10_metre / 5_metre; //Works fine.
a += 10_metre / 500_centi * metre; //Does not compile because a conversion is necessary.
//(The result of the division is in %.)
a += 10.0; //Works fine.
Be as efficient as possible. (constexpr
all the things.)
All of benris library types are defined using constexpr
constructs. This should allow
the compiler to completely eliminate the library overhead of benri at compile time. The
assembly of code written with benri and of code written with standard c++ types should
be exactly the same. For example:
constexpr auto calculate_area(quantity<metre_t> length, quantity<metre_t> width)
return length * width; //You get proper unit checking in the rest of the code.
constexpr auto calculate_area(double length, double width)
return length * width; //No one prevents you to put the value in kilometre here.
In addition to the types, all of benris library functions are defined using constexpr
as well. This should allow compile time calculation of these functions. In reality however,
the support is currently limited because only some STD functions used within benri
support compile time evaluation. For example:
constexpr auto delta = abs(5_second - 10_second); //Evaluates to delta = 5_second at
//compile time.
constexpr auto angle = asin(4_metre / 1_metre); //Does not compile because compilers do
//not currently support compile time
Moreover benri tries to reduce the amount of calculations done at runtime by shifting the work to the compile step. For example, the following operations can be evaluated at compile time:
//The simple_cast function can be evaluated at compile time.
//These two definition therefore are EXACTLY the same.
constexpr auto energy = simple_cast<joule_t>(50_giga * joule);
constexpr auto energy = 50000_joule;
constexpr auto energy = 4_joule + 5_joule; //Works fine.
constexpr auto ratio = 4_joule / 5_joule; //Works fine.
Unit conversions and casts
benri provides two functions for converting units and/or value_type
s called
and unit_cast
. Both can be used to convert units into another. simple_cast
is always done at compile time and can be used for most conversions. However, due to
restrictions in compile time math, if the conversion factor contains a root, unit_cast
has to be used. It calculates the correct factor at runtime. Fortunately in most cases,
when optimizations are used, unit_cast
results in the same assembly as if a simple_cast
were possible.
constexpr auto length = simple_cast<metre_t>(10_centi * metre); //Evaluated at compile
auto length = simple_cast<metre_t>(10_centi * metre); //Compiler may use a
//compile time evaluation.
constexpr auto length = unit_cast<metre_t>(10_centi * metre); //Does not compile.
auto length = unit_cast<metre_t>(10_centi * metre); //Evaluated at runtime.
auto speed = 5_centi * metre / second; //The standard is to save values as a double
auto speed = simple_cast<float>(5_centi * metre / second); //However, we only have
//space for a float.
benri provides the remove_prefix
function for generating base unit quantities:
auto advanced = 42_mega * byte; //The internal type is 42 megybyte.
auto base = remove_prefix(advanced); //The internal type is 42e6 byte.
WARNING: remove_prefix
behaviour depends on the base unit. For complicated derived
units, it might not always be obvious what the base unit is! However, remove_prefix
provides the facility to reduce arbitrary units to their base when needed. For example, it
is internally used to cast arbitrary dimensionless units into the right form for the
trigonometric functions. This allows asin(10_percent)
and quantity_point
benri provides two data types quantity
and quantity_point
, which both take a unit
and a value_type
. The unit
is the physical unit of the quantity, like metre_t
, ... The value_type
is the internal representation of the value, usually
or float
. While it is possible to use integral types for the value_type
well, it is not recommend because integer types are prone to overflows and sign errors.
When benri literals are used, both the unit
and the value_type
are hidden behind
aliases for your convenience.
auto angle = 1_radian; //What you usually will write.
auto angle = quantity<radian_t, double>{1.0}; //This is equivalent.
//(The unit is radian_t and the value_type is double.)
auto hotness = 20_degree_fahrenheit; //What you usually will write.
auto hotness = quantity_point<degree_fahrenheit_t, double>{20.0}; //This is equivalent.
//(The unit is degree_fahrenheit_t and the value_type is double.)
The standard value_type
for benri is double
. It is used for all literals and
constants. However, you can change that by setting the BENRI_PRECISION
macro before
including the library:
#define BENRI_PRECISION float //set the standard value_type to float
#include <benri/si/si.h>
to an integral value will produce weird behaviour
because the internal floating point constants might be rounded to zero.
The quantity
type is the most used type because it allows the largest range of possible
operations. The quantity_point
is a special type for affine operations which has a
purposefully restricted set of possible operations. For further explanations on affine
operations, please have a look at section: Affine quantities The
possible operations for both types are:
operations | quantity |
quantity_point |
multiplication with a quantity |
:heavy_check_mark: | :x: |
multiplication with a quantity_point |
:x: | :x: |
multiplication with a value_type |
:heavy_check_mark: | :x: |
division by a quantity |
:heavy_check_mark: | :x: |
division by a quantity_point |
:x: | :x: |
division by a value_type |
:heavy_check_mark: | :x: |
division of a value_type |
:heavy_check_mark: | :x: |
addition of a quantity |
:heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
addition of a quantity_point |
:heavy_check_mark: | :x: |
addition of a value_type |
:heavy_check_mark:¹ | :x: |
subtraction of a quantity |
:heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
subtraction of a quantity_point |
:heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
subtraction of a value_type |
:heavy_check_mark:¹ | :x: |
comparison with a quantity |
:heavy_check_mark: | :x: |
comparison with a quantity_point |
:x: | :heavy_check_mark: |
comparison with value_type |
:heavy_check_mark:¹ | :x: |
implicit cast to value_type |
:heavy_check_mark:² | :x: |
implicit construction with value_type |
:heavy_check_mark:² | :x: |
¹ Only allowed for quantities with dimension 1
² Only allowed for dimensionless quantities, like 1
, 1%
, ...
Units and Constants
benri provides the following headers:
for astronomical units. -
for base SI units (no derived units). -
for CGS system units (based on SI). -
for Computer Science units (like pixel, byte, ...). -
for Imperial units (based on SI). -
for SI units. -
for temperature scales units (like °C, ...). -
for including all units mentioned above.
The right header for most users is si/si.h
as all base SI units and derived SI units are
found there. All other headers (except si/base.h
) provide more specialized units, and
include this header as well. SI units reside in the si
namespace, and spezialized units
in the si::name-of-header
benri provides an extensive list of constants which can be accessed via
the si::constant
or si::symbol
namespace. When using si/si.h
all SI constants are
loaded. When using additional unit packages, more constants get added to the si::constant
and si::symbol
namespace (no sub-namespacing like for units).
The difference between constants provided in the si::constant
namespace and constants
provided in the si::symbol
namespace is the way the value of the constant is stored:
stores the constant in a quantity where the quantity has the unit and the value of the constant. - si::symbol` stores the constant in a quantity with value 1, where the unit is the unit of the constant with a prefix of the constant value.
For example:
; -
isquantity<c * metre/second>{1}
This allows symbolic calculations where one can express units in terms of a constant.
#include <benri/si/astronomic.h>
auto mass_a = 2_solar_mass; //mass in kilogram
auto mass_b = 2 * symbol::solar_mass; //mass in Solar masses
Furthermore, when intermediate results suffer from overflow or rounding, si::symbol
be used to mitigate these problems. For example:
#define BENRI_PRECISION float //set the standard value_type to float
#include <benri/si/si.h>
auto impulse_a = constant::planck_constant / 7e5_metre; //≈9.5×10⁻⁴⁰ Ns We lose precision here!
auto impulse_b = constant::planck_constant / 3e2_metre; //≈2.2×10⁻³⁶ Ns We are close to losing precision here!
auto relation = static_cast<float>((impulse_b - impulse_a) / impulse_b);
auto impulse_a = symbol::planck_constant / 7e5_metre; //≈1.4×10⁻⁶ h/m Everything is fine.
auto impulse_b = symbol::planck_constant / 3e2_metre; //≈3.3×10⁻³ h/m Everything is fine.
auto relation = static_cast<float>((impulse_b - impulse_a) / impulse_b);
Defining new units and dimensions
benri allows its users to define new base dimensions and seemlessly use them together with the already existing ones. This is achieved through macros.
#include <iostream>
#include <benri/si/si.h>
#include <benri/si/macros.h>
//Add a pirate (pir) and a ninja (nin) bas dimension.
struct pir
//The name values need to be provided because benri internally sorts the dimensions by
//their name.
static constexpr benri::meta::static_string name = "pir";
struct nin
static constexpr benri::meta::static_string name = "nin";
//Dimensions can be generated using macros.
using benri::dimension::helper;
//Singular dimensions.
create_and_register_dimension(pirate, helper<pir>);
create_and_register_dimension(ninja, helper<nin>);
//Compound dimensions.
create_and_register_dimension(woodleg, helper<pir>, helper<benri::dimension::L>); //pirate*length
create_and_register_dimension(pirate_ninja, helper<pir>, helper<nin>); //pirate*ninja
//Units can be generated using macros as well.
implement_unit(jack_sparrow, pirate_t, benri::prefix::one_t);
implement_unit(hanzo, ninja_t, benri::prefix::one_t);
implement_unit(blackbeard, woodleg_t, benri::prefix::one_t);
//So can constants.
create_constant(kaido, benri::prefix::hecto_t, typename decltype(jack_sparrow * hanzo)::unit_type);
int main()
using namespace benri::si;
auto temp = double{};
std::cout << "Your pirate strength in Jack Sparrow: ";
std::cin >> temp;
auto pirate = temp * jack_sparrow;
std::cout << "Your ninja strength in Hanzo: ";
std::cin >> temp;
auto ninja = temp * hanzo;
std::cout << "Your woodleg length in metre: ";
std::cin >> temp;
auto woodleg = temp * metre;
//Calculate strength from woodleg.
auto pirate_ninja = 2_hanzo * 3_blackbeard / woodleg;
auto strength = pirate * ninja + pirate_ninja;
std::cout << "You are worth: " << (strength / kaido).value() << "Kaido.";
Without some help, benri cannot interact with the <chrono>
library because the types
provided are different. However, by including the benri/chrono.h
header benri gets the
necessary conversion operators. (benri/chrono.h
includes <chrono>
as well.)
With benri/chrono.h
acts like abenri::quantity
and -
acts like abenri::quantity_point
. - Within expression
types are converted to benri types automatically. (The result of such mixed expression is always a benri type.)
WARNING: The same caveats as for benri types apply to <chrono>
! Quantities with
different units or value types do no interact. This can get be confusing because benri
uses double
as its default value type whereas <chrono>
uses integer values. If your
code does not compile, you probably forgot to cast to the right value type.
In addition to these type conversions, benri/chrono.h
- Three new dimensions:
, andhigh_resolution_clock_t
. These dimension are named similar to the clocks provided by the<chrono>
library. However, whereasstd::chrono::high_resolution_clock
might alias to one of the other types, within in benri it is always distinct. - Three new constants/symbols
, andhigh_resolution_epoch
. These represent the zero point for each clock. - A range of
literals calledTIME_since_CLOCK
, whereTIME
can beseconds
, oryears
, orhigh_resolution_epoch
. For example:42_seconds_since_system_epoch
. - The
now<Clock, Unit, ValueType>()
template function, which manages the annoying casts involved to construct a benri time point with the<chrono>
now function.Clock
is a<chrono>
clock type,Unit
is an optional benri time unit, andValueType
an optional value type. If noUnit
is defined, the default unit of the clock is used. The default for theValueType
is the same as for all benri types.
A short example on how benri interacts with <chrono>
#include <benri/chrono.h>
#include <benri/si/si.h>
#include <benri/si/temperature.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>
using namespace benri::si;
class tnt
tnt(const benri::quantity<second_t> fuse_time);
auto ignite(benri::quantity_point<seconds_since_system_epoch_t> now) -> void;
auto ignited() -> bool;
auto exploded(benri::quantity_point<seconds_since_system_epoch_t> now) -> bool;
auto fuse_left(benri::quantity_point<seconds_since_system_epoch_t> now) -> benri::quantity<second_t>;
int main()
using namespace benri::si;
auto fuse_time = double{};
std::cout << "Enter fuse time in seconds: ";
std::cin >> fuse_time;
auto bomb = tnt{fuse_time * second};
std::cout << "Bomb successfully created!\n"
<< "Ignited the fuse.\n"
<< "Starting Countdown...\n";
auto now = benri::now<std::chrono::system_clock, seconds_since_system_epoch_t>();
for (auto counter = static_cast<int>(bomb.fuse_left(now).value());
now = benri::now<std::chrono::system_clock, seconds_since_system_epoch_t>())
if (static_cast<int>(bomb.fuse_left(now).value()) < counter)
if (counter == 30 || counter == 20 || counter <= 10)
std::cout << counter << "s\n";
std::cout << "KABOOMM!!\n";
Known bugs
- The unit pascal might conflict with the
macro set in some windows headers. - msvc can have exorbitantly longer compile times than clang and gcc, especially for larger projects.
- msvc might fail on larger compilation units with Error C1060: compiler is out of heap space. This seems to be a problem with the msvc internals handling templated code. The best remedy is to split the compilation unit into smaller tasks.
Library structure
If you want to have a look at the benri code, or you are searching for the right headers to include, benri is based on the following structure:
benri/ #main git repo
examples/ #several examples
include/benri/ #actual library
impl/ #collection of internal types and algorithms
meta/ #compile time data structures and algorithms
algorithm.h #compile time algorithms
array.h #compile time array because std::array is not there yet
math.h #compile time math functions, mostly on primes
string.h #const char* string wrapper
type/ #template type handling functions
comp.h #function for comparing types, used to sort type lists
list.h #type list type
sort.h #type list sorting function
traits.h #collection of type traits
config.h #compilation helpers
dimension.h #dimension type
math.h #math functions for dimension and prefix type lists
prefix.h #prefix type and its functions
unit.h #unit type and its functions
astronomic.h #astronomical units and constants
base.h #base si units metre, second, ...
#plus constants, but no derived units
#like newton, sievert, ...
cgs.h #cgs units and constants
data.h #computer science units like byte, bit, pixel, ...
dimensions.h #base dimensions and derived dimensions used to create units
everything.h #special header for importing all si headers at once
imperial.h #imperial units and constants
macros.h #macros for easily generating dimensions, units and constants/symbols
prefixes.h #si prefixes and constant values
si.h #all of the si units
temperature.h #temperature units and conversion functions
chrono.h #<chrono> support functions
cmath.h #implementation of all cmath functions
quantity_point.h #affine point
quantity.h #the standard quantity type
tests/ #several unit tests #list of versions #this document #table of physical units and dimensions
WARNING: The files contained within benri/impl/
are not part of the API and subject
to change at any time!
- Provides compile time encapsulation for
const char*
strings via themeta::static_string
class. Might be replaced by P0259 in the future. - Provides compile time version of
- Provides function for ordering types at compile time via the
function and a customtype::type_hash
- Provides type list variants
. - Provides type list concatenation function
- Provides
for type lists, based on the ordering functiontype::type_order
. Sortstype::list
, leavestype::sorted_list
- Provides range of type traits via the Detection Idiom.
- Provides container
for storing based dimensions and their associated power.
- Provides container
for storing prefixes and their associated power. - Provides compile time functions for calculating the value of a prefix
or list of prefixesexpand_prefix
_list`. - Provides runtime time functions for calculating the value of a prefix
or list of prefixesruntime_expand_prefix
- Provides function
for emplacing a newpre
into apre
type list. (Updating power ofdim
in list if found, and adding it at the end if not found.) - Provides function
for removingpre
with power of zero from apre
type list. - Provides function
for multiplying two or morepre
lists. (Callingtype::emplace
on the first list with the arguments of the others.) - Provides function
for updating the powers ofpre
in a type list. - Provides function
for dividing twopre
type lists. - Provides shortcut
for generating apre
type list from a given ratio. - Provides shortcut
for generating apre
type list for a given power of 10.
- Provides container
for storingdim
type lists together as a unit. - Provides shortcut
for the unit without prefix and dimension. - Provides shortcuts
which execute the right operations on thedim
type lists.
- Provides container
for storing a value ofvalue_type
with its associated unitunit
. Container provides possible math and comparison functionality for quantities of the same unit. Additional checks for possible math and comparison functionality between quantities of different units are provided as well. - Provides shortcuts
for multiplying units.
- Provides container
for storing a value ofvalue_type
with its associated unitunit
. Container provides a restricted set of thequantity
math and comparison functionality to achieve affine behaviour.
- Provides function
for converting aquantity
to another unit and/orvalue_type
at compile time. - Provides function
for converting aquantity
to another unit and/orvalue_type
at runtime time. Whilesimple_cast
can only work on conversions containing no roots,unit_cast
drop this restriction by doing converstion at runtime. - Provides function
for converting aquantity
to its base unit. - Provides ADL helper namespace
The unit
The unit
type implements the physics concept of a unit.
A unit is the product of a prefix and a number of base dimensions with an associated power:
$$ \text{Unit}= \text{Prefix}\times\prod_i \text{Base}_i^{\text{Power}_i}\ \text{.} $$
For example, the unit Mega Newton can be expressed in the SI base dimensions Mass, Length, and Time as:
$$ \text{Mega Newton} = \text{Mega}\times \text{Mass}\cdot \text{Length}\cdot \text{Time}^{-2}\ \text{.} $$
In order to store the product of base dimensions, the unit
type uses a type list of dim
where dim
stores the base dimension and their associated power. For aboves example:
unti<mega * newton>::dimension = list<dim<Mass>, dim<Length>, dim<Time, -2>>;
//This is not the actual template code, but representative of how it works.
Inside benri units are compared via their type list. This means that regardless of the
computation taking place, the same units have to have the same type list. This is achieved
by removing base dimensions with power zero and by sorting the type list according to the
attribute of the base dimension.
Prefixes are usually integers. Yet, in C++ integers have a maximum range which makes it impossible to multiply/divide arbitrary units. benri solves this problem by not storing the prefix in a single integer. Prefixes are prime factorialized and saved in a type list similar to the dimension:
$$ \text{Prefix} = \prod_j \text{Prime}_j^{\text{Power}_j}\ \text{.} $$
For aboves example:
unti<mega * newton>::prefix = list<pre<2, 6>, dim<5, 6>>;
//This is not the actual template code, but representative of how it works.
A side effect of the prefix type list, is that it is possible to store symbolic factors for the prefix.
The is_convertible_into
Inside benri quantities are compared via their unit type list. If two types do not have
the same type list, they are not the same. However, this is not always preferred. To
overcome this behaviour, benri additionally checks if two quantities should be
considered the same via the is_convertible_into
function. For example, this is necessary
for temperatures, where a quantity_point
of K can be converted to a quantity of °K
although both units do not have the same type.
Quantities can be added to is_convertible_into
function by overloading the convert
object. It is used for the actual conversion as well:
template <class Prefix, class ValueType>
struct convert<quantity<unit<dimension::celsius_temperature_t, Prefix>, ValueType>,
quantity<unit<dimension::thermodynamic_temperature_t, Prefix>, ValueType>>
constexpr auto operator()(
const quantity<unit<dimension::celsius_temperature_t, Prefix>, ValueType>& rhs)
-> quantity<unit<dimension::thermodynamic_temperature_t, Prefix>, ValueType>
return quantity<unit<dimension::thermodynamic_temperature_t, Prefix>, ValueType>{
constexpr auto operator()(
quantity<unit<dimension::celsius_temperature_t, Prefix>, ValueType>&& rhs)
-> quantity<unit<dimension::thermodynamic_temperature_t, Prefix>, ValueType>
return quantity<unit<dimension::thermodynamic_temperature_t, Prefix>, ValueType>{
The benri library is not the only library for working with physical quantities. The most notable competitors are boost, nholthaus/units, PhysUnits-CT, and mpusz/units. These libraries provide similar facilities to benri, but differ in some important areas. It is therefore recommended to check what you need in your project and select accordingly.
Quick comparison
The following table gives a quick overview on the most important features provided by the different quantity libraries:
Features | benri | boost | nholthaus/units | PhysUnits-CT | mpusz/units⁸ |
SI units | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | (:heavy_check_mark:) |
CGS units | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | (:heavy_check_mark:) | :x: |
imperial units | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: |
astronomical units | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | (:heavy_check_mark:) | :x: |
Gray/Sievert support¹ | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :x: | :x: | :x: |
temperature support² | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: |
physical/mathematical constants³ | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | (:heavy_check_mark:)⁷ | (:heavy_check_mark:)⁷ | :x: |
affine quantities⁴ | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :x: | :x: |
user defined dimensions | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :x: | :heavy_check_mark: |
user defined prefixes | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: |
arbitrary prefix conversions⁵ | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: |
symbolic computation⁶ | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :x: | :x: | :x: |
<cmath> functions |
:heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :x: |
<chrono> interoperability |
:heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :x: |
<iostream> functions |
:x: | :heavy_check_mark: | (:heavy_check_mark:) | (:heavy_check_mark:) | :x: |
<boost> required |
:x: | :heavy_check_mark: | :x: | :x: | :x: |
minimum c++ version | c++14 |
c++98 |
c++14 |
c++11 |
c++20 |
¹ The base units of Sievert and Gray are the same, but their meaning is different. Does the library make a distinction between them?
² Does the library provide different temperature scales and conversions between them?
³ Does the library provide physical and/or mathematical constants?
⁴ Does the library provide affine types? Meaning: Different types for vectors and points are provided?
⁵ Can the library handle arbitrary prefix conversions? For example: 1 megalightyear
? (Depending on the implementation, the type handling the operation might
⁶ Can the library do symbolic computations? For example, if we want the result of the
calculation 2year × c
in lightyears, do we need to do a multiplication and division to
get the result, or can the libray just remember to carry the c
⁷ nholthaus and PhysUnits-CT only supply a very limited list of constants, without source.
⁸ Although the scope is very limited right now, mpusz/units makes an effort to achieve C++ Standardization.
Features / Design
In the following, the most important differences and features are explained in detail.
benri doesn't provide any <iostream>
functions and it never will. The reason is, that
implementing proper input and output of quantities is hard. One needs to develop a system
for parsing and generating arbitrary unit strings. Yet, most users will not be satisfied
with the provided functions, as every use case is different. The work is therefore left to
each benri user. You yourself know best what you want, and what units you are using.
Here is an example on how a project could provide stream output for different time units.
#include <iostream>
#include <benri/si/base.h>
template <class Unit>
auto operator<<(std::ostream &os, const benri::quantity<Unit> &value) -> std::ostream&
os << value.value() << "?";
return os;
auto operator<<(std::ostream &os, const benri::quantity<benri::si::second_t> &value) -> std::ostream&
os << value.value() << "s";
return os;
auto operator<<(std::ostream &os, const benri::quantity<benri::si::minute_t> &value) -> std::ostream&
os << value.value() << "min";
return os;
auto operator<<(std::ostream &os, const benri::quantity<benri::si::hour_t> &value) -> std::ostream&
os << value.value() << "h";
return os;
User defined dimensions
benri allows its users to define new base dimensions and seemlessly use them together with the already existing ones. See: Defining new units and dimensions
Affine quantities
benri provides support for affine quantities. In short, these are a vector and a point type. Affine quantities often occur in physics. The following pairs are examples of affine quantities: (time point, time delta); (position, length); (temperature, temperature difference).
The types provided by benri allow to make a distinction between these quantities and only allow reasonable operations on them. For example:
#include <benri/si/temperature.h>
//Given the following function for setting the temperature of a baking oven...
void set_oven(benri::quantity_point<benri::si::celsius_t> temperature);
//...we can do the following:
using namespace benri::si::temperature;
set_oven(200_degree_celsius); //Sets the temperature to 200°C.
set_oven(250_celsius); //Will not compile because we have no zero point.
set_oven(zero_point(celsius) + 250_celsius); //Works fine.
This seems quite simple, but is important if the temperature is derived in another function. For example, several functions might provide a new temperature, but not all results make sense. For example:
//Given the following function...
auto temperature_update()
using namespace benri::si::temperature;
//Increase temperature by 10°C.
return 10_celsius;
auto new_temperature()
using namespace benri::si::temperature;
//Set temperature to 210°C.
return 210_degree_celsius;
//...we can be safe from the following:
set_oven(temperature_update()); //Will not compile. (Otherwise the oven would now be
//at 10°C.)
set_oven(new_temperature()); //Will compile, and set the temperature to 210°C.
No runtime units
benri units can only be computed at compile time. Thus, only quantities whose units have been generated at compile time can be used at runtime. This makes writing generic runtime code hard. However, this is on purpose as benri is supposed to perform compile time checks for zero overhead at runtime.
If you nevertheless want to make a runtime decision on which units you use, you need to
either use the c++17 std::variant
or another libraries equivalent. For
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <variant>
#include <benri/si/base.h>
//Define a variant holding the quantities.
using si_unit = std::variant<
//Define a runtime function.
auto parse(const std::string& input)
if (input == "kilogram")
return si_unit(benri::quantity<benri::si::kilogram_t>{1});
else if (input == "metre")
return si_unit(benri::quantity<benri::si::metre_t>{1});
else if (input == "second")
return si_unit(benri::quantity<benri::si::second_t>{1});
//Define another runtime function.
auto print(si_unit value)
std::cout << "You entered: ";
std::visit([](auto&& arg) {
using T = std::decay_t<decltype(arg)>;
if constexpr (std::is_same<T, benri::quantity<benri::si::kilogram_t>>::value)
std::cout << "kilogram\n" << std::flush;
else if constexpr (std::is_same<T, benri::quantity<benri::si::metre_t>>::value)
std::cout << "metre\n" << std::flush;
else if constexpr (std::is_same<T, benri::quantity<benri::si::second_t>>::value)
std::cout << "second\n" << std::flush;
}, value);
int main()
//Get runtime quantity from user input.
std::string input;
std::cin >> input;
auto value = parse(input);
//Print unit of the quantity.