Jan Franchini

Results 6 comments of Jan Franchini

Hi @tovenja, we're working on a fork of this project and we'd like to have your contribution to it. This Min Heap structure is reasonable, would you be interested in...

Hello, this seems to me an [adapter](https://refactoring.guru/design-patterns/adapter/go/example) for the `zap` logger into the required `cron.Logger` interface. Even though the new method you're proposing takes a generic `io.Writer` as a parameter,...

Thank you for your quick reply! Do you agree that a logger created with ```golang zapLogger, _ := zap.NewDevelopment() stdOutLogger := zap.NewStdLog(zapLogger) zW := stdOutLogger.Writer() logger := cron.VerbosePrintfLogger(log.New(zW, "cron: ",...

I'm not a maintainer and hence I cannot make any decision. Just wanted to share my thoughts. However, I consider very interesting what you pointed out and maybe this could...

Hi @tuye01 it's probably a matter of [type inference](https://go.dev/tour/basics/14). > The parameter requirement is EntryID, why is 1 possible? > Here you're assigning the numeric literal directly to the argument...

There's a [fork](https://github.com/gdgvda/cron) I'm working on with @gdgvda. We are already looking at some cool PRs from here as a starting point. For anyone interested, we would love to consider...