Jan Pfister

Results 15 comments of Jan Pfister

Did you pursue this further and were able to train/evaluate the models?

Thanks for your quick reply! > negators ('no', 'not', etc) and intensifiers ('very', 'extremely') are not explicitly included in the polar expression that information actually helps a lot! btw: in...

Thanks! Looks like that removed the issues. If I find something else I'll just reopen ;)

I believe that there are some other cases of wrong annotations. Example from `multibooked_ca`/dev: ```json { "sent_id": "corpora/ca/quintessence-Miriam-1", "text": "La porteria i l ' escala .", "opinions": [] }, {...

@egilron nice work! maybe you could add another column which indicates whether the string in source, target and expression exists in the original text in the first place? sometimes the...

Hi Jeremy, thanks for your work! I just found this one and I have no idea what's happening here 😅 from mpqa: ```json { "sent_id": "xbank/wsj_0583-27", "text": "Sansui , he...

my guess is that it's in the first day, since noone knows how the packet from "2020-06-23" is actually padded

Oh absolutely true, I forgot about those "keys not parsed" What might be beneficial: on my dashboard I just changed to an hourly analysis, as suggested above by @mh-. This...

And I'm back down to 188 as the parser just got updated: https://github.com/mh-/diagnosis-keys/commit/104388c7785ef4870e04e34e4290422b756e1ead

Great idea counting the "6"s! Gonna change to that later for the overall user count and most likely going to keep your "counting script" as is for the "number of...