
Results 7 comments of janos-r

On the contrary, I was just about to open an issue to not require a 3rd party font as a prerequisite. This should be just an opt-in. I had an...

Yes, agreed. The deal breaker for me is that I would have to change my default monospace font to this NF, which Im not comfortable with. I just tried to...

This is already being discussed for a long time in https://github.com/zellij-org/zellij/issues/1656 and https://github.com/zellij-org/zellij/issues/1654 And recently finally made a PR in https://github.com/zellij-org/zellij/pull/3047 You should look for similar issues before posting a...

Ok, on the currently latest Mint21.2, this is what needs to be done: 1) You remove the `libgtk2.0-0:i386` dependency from the script. That is the one that creates the above...

I also use `deno fmt` for bun... Actually I use helix cli editor (it's amazing) with this language config, to format on save... and its blazingly fast! Very comfortable. And...

@birkskyum Hmm, nice, they even specify how to use it with helix (the only editor they mention there directly, lol) https://github.com/biomejs/biome/blob/main/editors/helix/manual.md I knew it in the past but forgot what...

> https://dprint.dev/ Ah yeah! dPrint! When it formats on crtl+s press, it is such a dramatic user experience improvement from prettier, it's night and day. That makes me hesitant to...