Can confirm. Best workaround right now is to run in the background via `DispatchQueue`. Obviously it would be better if this would happen in the key store classes directly.
> This should only be an issue in debug builds when using SPM. Can someone please confirm if this is still an issue using the latest version of web3swift and...
This is very generic without more info. I assume you want to do something like swap ETH for USDC? * For this you will first need to decide where you...
Not sure but I'd recommend to check the https://github.com/Uniswap/v3-sdk. You should be able to find out how to use a some of the contracts from there. Also, you could try...
@yaroslavyaroslav should we actually start enforcing `swiftlint`? I think it would be good.
> 100% agree. Currently trying to interact with a custom smart contract and the smaller problems you encounter along the way are seriously difficult to get passed without some more...
You can try: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swift/importing-swift-into-objective-c
> It doesn't make any sense because turbo module isn't Xcode project and so it can't generate any swift header file by Xcode. And anything around Xcode. All I have...
Just reporting that I also have the same issue now with another library. And to follow the conversation here.
Nice one! I'd add a `TODO`, I think we already had - which is to initialize the `contract`(which then could be `let` as well) in the initializer together with the...