Renaming gemfile.lock worked for me as well. Will keep an eye out for the official fix to this!
I have the same issue. Running: ``` fitgem-0.9.0 ruby 2.0.0p451 (2014-02-24 revision 45167) [universal.x86_64-darwin13] ``` For the sake of consistency, here is my personal full error when running `./slogger --update-config`:...
FYI, I fixed this. modify the Gemfile in the root to add: `gem 'fitgem'` Full file below for context (this has worked for me, I am now logging successfully to...
There's probably more to it than this, but simply changing `http:` to `https:` on line 72 of flickrlogger.rb has worked successfully for me as a workaround to this issue.