Jan Lehnardt

Results 41 issues of Jan Lehnardt

We have a few projects where we make use of PouchDB’s different adapters (level and http in our case) to run software in different environments. We also use couchdb-bootstrap, which...

Hi everybody, the Greenkeeper team is happy to announce native support for lockfile updates: https://blog.greenkeeper.io/announcing-native-lockfile-support-85381a37a0d0

This is a 2022 rebase of #3038 with many comments on that PR addressed. This is still a WIP ## Overview This PR introduces the long-awaited first iteration of the...

While niche, the casing algo change will require existing tooling change outside of CouchDB. As such, I think we should consider this a breaking change as per SemVer and I...


c.f. https://web.dev/samesite-cookies-explained/ also https://github.com/apache/couchdb/discussions/3012

This supersedes #1200. ## New Behaviour This variant introduces no new config variable and no formula, instead, there is a set of three hurdles each doc write has to pass:...

What happens is that CouchDB starts without a secret, auto-gens one as per usual and stores it at `[chttpd_auth] secret` as per relatively recently, previously this was `[couch_http_auth] secret`. When...

Since supporting SpiderMonkey versions > 1.8.5 we compile design doc functions of the form `function(args) { /* impl */ }` into a form that is recognise by newer JS engines....