
Results 7 comments of Janko

Try [HTMX](https://htmx.org).

I have tested regular expresion with JavaScript and work OK, but in JScript host not working. I was try folowing code and I got null result: ``` var arg =...

I was tested on Win 10, 64-bit and this regular expresion works OK :) `` match = /^phpstorm:\/\/open\/\?(url=file:\/\/|file=)(.+)&line=(\d+)$/.exec(url), `` But, when I run this script, command try to run 32-bit...

Yes, I forgot for another Windows version. maybe it could be a solution something like this, where **_objItem.Version_** probably hold OS version number. But have to tested on another windows...

Yes, it is good idea for add / character optional. Something like this will probably work on all Win OS? I was tested od win 10 and work OK. ``...

Here is my new [patch](https://github.com/aik099/PhpStormProtocol/compare/master...jankod:patch-2)