Ján Janušek
Ján Janušek
Hello, I've being playing with your library for a while and first of all I think it's great. Is it possible for you to implement also mel-frequency cepstral coefficients with...
Hello, I went through your repo, there's claim it knows how to do speaker diarization but I cannot find any example. Would you mind to explain how to run diarization...
Hi there, is there a way how to run this model as ONNX in other language let's say C#? what are 3rd party dependencies to integrate? I already integrated multiple...
TTS bug
Hello, I'm using your TTS library and must say it's very good, but I have no idea why when I instantiate OfflineTts model and run generate it returns result, but...
hi is it possible to merge multiple models into one? I would like to use your project in my prod app but it takes a lot of space to provide...