Janik von Rotz
Janik von Rotz
Hi, Can somebody help me with this issue: ``` [code] [xml] [/code] ``` output: ``` 1 ``` should be: ``` [xml] ``` this works: ``` [code] [[xml]] [/code] ``` It...
https://github.com/camptocamp/odoo-cloud-platform/blob/185458f06bafa2b9800fd372629393220d0b6839/monitoring_status/controllers/main.py#L34 I've seen that you have module to check the status of the Odoo db. Is there a way to check for the status of the cron thread? While running...
Clicking on the dependency list opens popup. This is annoying and also when opening a task you cannot see right away if there are dependencies. The smart button should fix...
I can't connect to my skydrive account since microsoft has updated the skydrive platform.
Hi I tried to familiarize myself with the calluma project and therefore tried to setup a demo instance using this guide: https://caluma.gitbook.io/caluma-docs/guides/guide In the end I got a blank page...
PS D:\PowerShell-PowerUp> .\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.install.ps1 Add a default profile script Add Autoinclude Functions to the profile script Add Transcript Logging to the profile script Adding 'Open PowerShell Here' to context menu Copy...
-IncludeDependencies -IncludeDependenciesRecursively Foreach Dependency run -uninstall