Janet Riley
Janet Riley
Adding the CHANGELOG.txt step to creating your own distribution.
We see that students are confused about what program they're working in. https://github.com/railsbridge-boston/railsbridge-boston/issues/115 https://github.com/railsbridge-boston/railsbridge-boston/issues/114 https://github.com/railsbridge-boston/railsbridge-boston/issues/134 I have some changes to address them. Screenshot attached. I'll apply them to the latest...
console/commands/load can handle OPML files. I don't have OPML, and couldn't easily find an OPML editor. CSV is easy to compose, however. Add support for loading feeds from CSV.
export.py's `--scheme` argument accepts json and html, as well as sanitize levels raw, safe, and text. Move sanitize levels to their own argument and ensure they get passed in properly...
Update the project to be compatible with Python 3.5 so we have the option to use asyncio.
Update Quickstart documentation as we discover gaps at PyCon sprints.