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Micro-benchmarking library for OCaml

Results 10 core_bench issues
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`~show_output_as_sexp: true`, which is an option in `Display_config`, doesn't respect other options. For example, when `~show_samples: true` is given, the sexp doesn't add this entry in.


The example in the [documentation]( results in the following error: ``` File "", line 8, characters 2-13: 8 | (Bench.make_command [ ^^^^^^^^^^^ Error (alert deprecated): [since 2021-03] Use...


Hello, When using `Core_bench.Bench.Test.create` with a `~file_name` parameter, it is completely ignored? In this [MWE.txt](, I use a long descriptive name for the test and a simple name for the...


I've noticed that when running benchmarks, the first one that is specified is slower than the rest, even when the same function with the same inputs is benchmarked repeatedly. Here...


I would like to use the [faster-map]( benchmark to test ongoing work on tail-recursion-modulo-cons ( ); this means creating an empty switch from an experimental compiler, then building `faster-map`'s...


Hi! Core_bench makes is wonderfully easy to use; however, when trying to aggregate the results for reporting purposes, the diverse units throws a wrench in things. Could we add a...


Core_bench has some dependencies that don't work on windows (some things from core). I was wondering if it was possible to remove these dependencies, so that `core_bench` can be used...


Hello, I am unable to build a program that uses `core_bench` under OCaml 4.09.0+bytecode-only. To reproduce the problem, the following instructions suffice: ``` git clone [email protected]:janestreet/core_bench.git cd core_bench git checkout...


I have a very short benchmark, written using `bench_fun`, that has a long initialization time. If I set a low quota, I don't see output from that one test, presumably...


Can we display data sorted (on the time or the percentage eg.) ?
