Janesh suthar
Janesh suthar
Question : How can we change title Dynamically . like Apple (1) ?
Hi @nathangitter there is one improvement - by commenting `if yVelocity == 0 { //runningAnimators.forEach { $0.continueAnimation(withTimingParameters: nil, durationFactor: 0) } break }` in ` case .ended:` we can prevent...
SwiftUI & Swift Tutorial link added ## Project URL ## Category ## Description ## Why it should be included to `awesome-ios` (mandatory) ## Checklist - [ ] Has 50 GitHub...
Added SwiftUI article link - **Project Name**: JaneshSwift.com - **Project URL**:JaneshSwift.com - **Project Description**:Added link for users to lear SwiftUI for FREE - **Why it should be added to `awesome-swift`**:...
For New user Added SwiftUI & Swift Tutorials link which is easy to understand
added tutorial link
After clone I am running script ``` python3 build-system/Make/Make.py \ --cacheDir=/Volumes/SSDJACKData/iOS-Projects/Telegram-iOS/telegram-bazel-cache \ generateProject \ --configurationPath=/Volumes/SSDJACKData/iOS-Projects/Telegram-iOS/build-system/template_minimal_development_configuration.json \ --xcodeManagedCodesigning ``` Error - ERROR: Build did NOT complete successfully ERROR: Build failed. Not...
Added !maybeString.isEmpty()) which uses O(1) time complexity