Janek Ozga
Janek Ozga
How do I use the devtools with Hookstate 4? No longer in a separate module? https://www.npmjs.com/package/@hookstate/devtools seems to be at 3.0.2
I'm afraid it does not work yet. Versions: - "@hookstate/core": "^4.0.0-rc13", - "@hookstate/devtools": "^3.0.1",
It does work in the demo, as I've said in the start of this thread. So it might be something that I'm doing wrong.
I only see the @@init see the screen below and there are no other instances.
Got the same issue. Would like to add .doc(x) or .pdf. I got a PR ready to go, but can't seem to push it to the repository. Could anyone help...
It means you don't have the correct typings. To fix this, install them like this: `npm install --save-dev @types/vue-scrollto`
Alright, then I'll close this issue.
@sheremet-va > process.env.VITEST > > The Vite config for how the names are created isn't useful because this behavior is desirable in production > > You can apply it conditionally...
You can do this with something like this in your package.json: `ls-lint --config node_modules/@company/ls-lint-config-custom/.ls-lint.yml` Check this older issue: https://github.com/loeffel-io/ls-lint/issues/22#issuecomment-1560604105