Jan Beck

Results 13 issues of Jan Beck

Silly me wanted to use the domain name of a site and copied "example.com" from Chromes address bar, which was pasted as "http://example.com/" in `vv create`. This produced a couple...

Accessing the parent from within the iframe does not work when the iframe is on another domain and [CORS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross-origin_resource_sharing) is enabled: `parent.jQuery.fancybox.getInstance().close();` This can be solved by using `window.parent.postMessage`: https://github.com/pbojinov/iframe-communication

Feature request

/ css / style.css line 5 ``` css font: 12px/14px "Lucida Grande", "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; ```

Is there a way to limit or require the number of attached posts similar as the relationship field of ACF? I'm basically using this field in place of the post...

I suggest to do AJAX calls via the `wp.ajax.send( action[, options])` methods provided by wp-utils as described by Luke Woodward in his article [Using wp.ajax for Async Requests in WordPress](https://lkwdwrd.com/using-wp-ajax-async-requests/)...

help wanted

I'm running a development server within a Vagrant VM. Clicking the blow link will take me to a directory that does not exist on my local client, but within the...

It would be nice to be able to cancel an import and restart even if the current batch is not complete.


Plugin: v1.8.1 Obsidian: v1.3.7 MacOS: Ventura 13.5 Node: v20.4.0 `/opt/homebrew/bin/node` No errors in console. https://github.com/twibiral/obsidian-execute-code/assets/865311/616b2fc8-b693-4c4f-8023-dbb039bcd63a

I would absolutely love it if we could have the feature that this new plugin provides https://github.com/numeroflip/obsidian-auto-template-prompt My issue with aforementioned plugin is that it doesn't come with YAML tags....