What did you set your JAVA_HOME to start with? What is your reason for not setting JAVA_HOME? It seems ITW looks for jre to run the jnlp app first in...
You can run the itweb-settings app to set the appropriate Network Proxy settings.
Are you able to open the url of the Jnlp file in a browser?
Hi The jnlp specifies
How about this [Azul JDK-FX 11](https://www.azul.com/downloads/?version=java-11-lts&os=fedora&package=jdk-fx#download-openjdk)
Can you please try with compression=off in server.xml? Just a guess.
It seems the Jnlp app requires JavaFX : `` Please have a look at https://openwebstart.com/docs/FAQ.html#_how_to_run_openjfx_based_javafx_applications_with_openwebstar
@chanof I could run the app with Java 8 which has Java FX. If you want to run with JRE > 8 the you need to specify OpenJfx jars in...
I have JAVA_HOME pointing to Oracle 11.0.11. Starting icedtea-web javaws.exe works out of the box. Does your application use a class that is missing in Java 11. In that case...
> Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: java.lang.SecurityManager.checkTopLevelWindow(Ljava/lang/Object;) > Your application is using Oracle Forms which is using SecurityManager Some methods have been removed in Java 11. You will need to port you...