Jan Rybizki
Jan Rybizki
It seems to work fine. So the mwdust map and the here implemented map give the same results for the points queried, but the interpolation gives different results for other...
Found by Oliver: In the main Chempy() function (in wrapper.py) when SSPs are created, they are initialized with the ISM metallicity at time-step i (i.e. cube.cube['Z'][i]) but the element fractions...
In the updated chempy version there are several issues with the tutorial: - fractional_yield_comparison_plot('Karakas10', 'Ventura13', basic_agb, basic_agb_ventura, basic_solar, 'C') will not compile, though it does for 'N' - The stochastic...
should be called name_list.npy so that the tutorial 6 can run through. Also the parameter.py changed since the v0.1 release. Make a completely stable release
Some option in the conf.py is probably set wrong. For now I just host the pages on my webpage. Would still be good to use the webhooks.