Jamie Nandhra-Pezone
Jamie Nandhra-Pezone
I've been having this problem for a while now. Has anyone found a solution to this? @jesryn did the @unknownskl idea work?
@SBRK This weekend I updated my hassio to 0.98.1 and the @unknownskl repo appeared in the add on section. This version does not produce this issue and will connect to...
@SBRK I have my Satellite TV connected through the Xbox. When I try to change channel (via Alexa) the command for changing to TV source is called instead of the...
I just bought 2 of these devices (2 poles version) and so far it mostly works but here are a few issues. Energy doesn't work. on/off switch is sometimes unresponsive....
So I've just bought some 74LVC1T45's and I was wondering 1, how on earth you connected them the anything and 2, do you know where I can get a non-mircoscopic...
> Hello, > I found [this ](https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/32866573215.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.e8d84650QqJwOF&algo_pvid=922f5353-e0d2-4867-9a66-0b529fdb31d6&algo_expid=922f5353-e0d2-4867-9a66-0b529fdb31d6-0&btsid=0ab6f82415898914791736417e6826&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_,searchweb201603_)which looks to be useful From what I've seen, both online and in person, the 74LVC1T45's are tiny. Smaller than the sockets in that...
> > After I'll receive all this stuff, I'll have to figure out how to flash the ESP8266 ... any keyword to search on google ? :-D > Try this:...