Jarkko Mönkkönen
Jarkko Mönkkönen
> > However, if you then want to reload the view there is no good way to evict all those queries from cache, so you will end up with same...
> I have two thoughts on how we might be able to improve the API around eviction: > > 1. We could allow for writing `null` in `writeQuery` and `writeFragment`,...
> > It is unpractical for app to keep track of all the different queries > > > Would it be feasible to: > > a) Implement evict with requestId?...
For anyone still looking for pre-made solution: The fresh_graphql package seems to be updated to use flutter graphql v4: https://github.com/felangel/fresh/tree/master/packages/fresh_graphql Depending of your use case it might work out of...
@Aristidios you can find some code examples how to do it with dio interceptors from there https://github.com/flutterchina/dio/issues/50 Nice thing with that solution is that it locks new requests until you...
Since this project is not maintained I forked and prepared sbt 1.X + scala 2.12 version https://github.com/jamonkko/sbt-jrebel-plugin Since the fork has a pre-built jar in the releases (not in maven,...