Jamon Holmgren

Results 383 comments of Jamon Holmgren

> Is there a reason for not having a package-lock.json? Yeah -- it's because we only use `yarn` at Infinite Red. :-) ([blog post](https://shift.infinite.red/yarn-1-vs-yarn-2-vs-npm-a69ccf0229cd?source=false---------1)) I suppose we could detect whether...

@shirshak55 While I understand your frustration with an issue that hasn't been resolved in four months, I do take issue with the idea that the project isn't active. We've been...

Taking a step back, my philosophy on open source is that I will try to review and merge/release PRs in a timely manner. But issues (especially problems with tools that...

I should have updated this thread, to be fair!

Good thoughts, @nonameolsson. We don't use `strict: true` in TypeScript for a reason (at Infinite Red), but if it's reasonably straightforward to enhance Ignite's boilerplate to work fine when it's...

@aawaheed Thanks for reporting this! This is a bug for sure. I'll get someone on this.

@henrymoulton Does the "handles expo -> app transition" test help every time? Or is it still flaky, but just somewhat less so?

We're going to hold off on pushing this into v8 (Maverick), but can revisit post-Maverick release. cc @tido64 @afoxman