Exactly, you can control all the functions of the heatpump from the apps.
I managed to added HeatPumps, tested at home, works as expected. However the interface for the HeatPump has a few more options. I opted for a single function that takes...
Hi @taugusti I got it running at home but I have been quite busy to merge it with the latest code and push it back. I am more than happy...
Let me know how it works, I have only tested it with my pump. Sorry I took to long to get back, had to put this aside while I was...
I am working on a HASS climate component to go with this, let me know if you are interested in testing it.
I tested it using python3 on my pc, worked fine. The climate component, I just add to custom_components and it shows up in HASS under climate, it still a little...
try this: https://github.com/jamiewalters/python-verisure-climate still very rough, first hass component, will keep improving it in the coming days. since hass defaults to v 1.3.7 of vsure I add it beside the...
Let me know how it works, I am only aware of it being tested on two HeatPumps, I am not certain all the options are the same for every pump...
Let me look at the code again, never been tested in multiple pumps as I only have one :/ Can you open an issue at my repo?