Jamie Unwin
Jamie Unwin
Thanks Daniel, I think leave it to me to sort out the index, not sure there is much more you can do in this sprint. On Tue, 19 Mar 2019...
Sounds fine, not sure if this page also helps. http://collection.sciencemuseum.org.uk/categories On Wed, 13 Mar 2019 at 14:01, Simon wrote: > To allow testing via the website a category containing a...
Can we add `npm run index-update` to the deploy process? or use Lamda?
This issue is (now) related more to handling multiple XML and JSON serialisations via their own routes, regardless of Accept-Header (or how to make the Accept-Header work for multiple JSON...
## BBC RES (in RDF Turtle) format https://bbcarchdev.github.io/inside-acropolis/#res-intro (or optional RDF/XML) ``` @base . @prefix rdf: . @prefix dct: . @prefix bibo: . @prefix foaf: . a bibo:Book ; dct:title...
Allow curators to manually assign related objects, would need these objects added to index via middleware.
Ah, yes...this is likely a HTML only feature creeping into the API/JSON queries/response, will take a look. But is there a reason your using `q=art` over searching the art category...
I think there maybe two separate issues here: - The hijacking of the keyword “art” to provided a better experience for front end users ( http://collection.sciencemuseum.org.uk/search/categories/art) creaping into the API...
Yes, as I explained we 'hijack' the queries for category names and treat those queries differently (effectively sending you off to a different results page). I need to turn that...
Still needs fixing in index :-( ``` "name": [ { "first_name": "Charles", "last_name": "Babbage", "primary": true, "type": "preferred name", "value": "Babbage, Charles" }, ```