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Create RDF view
Create 'RDF' view for objects/people/docs based on Content Negotiation (as per JSON).
Accept: application/rdf+xml
RDF view only needs to be very basic to start as long as we have access to the underlying JS object/JSON to add more fields/predicates later.
<rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf="">
<rdf:Description rdf:about="">
4 hour time estimate for initial set up only, to be continued by @jamieu
This issue is (now) related more to handling multiple XML and JSON serialisations via their own routes, regardless of Accept-Header (or how to make the Accept-Header work for multiple JSON serialisations).
The issue is want to support IIIF which is serialised as JSON-LD and also the BBC's RES format which is serialised as RDF/Turtle.
Because we are already using JSON for our own 'base' API format, we can't rely solely on the Accepts-Header to tell the application which JSON format/serialisation to return.
It's fine for us to continue to use the Accepts-Header to return our JSON API format. But we need more granularity when presenting specific JSON or XML formats/serialisations. Even if we could rely on the more esoteric extensions to the Accepts-Headers (ie. rdf+xml) it's possible safer to prefix these formats on their own routes ie. /iiif/
and /res/
Although need to investigate if that will cause issues re. correctly supporting linked-data URIs. The W3 spec seems to suggest that you should stick to Content Negotiation (header or file extension) but if we do that I am not sure how we deal with different JSON serialisations for example.
These are the two key formats we want to supoort in the short term.
- IIIF Presentation API as RDF/JSON-LD (
- BBC RES/RDF format as RDF/Turtle (see and attached PDF).
It would also be good to refactor the getValue()
functions, so that the can be used by any view (HTML, JSON, RES, IIIF etc.)
BBC RES (in RDF Turtle) format
(or optional RDF/XML)
@base <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix bibo: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
a bibo:Book ;
dct:title "Acronyms and Synonyms in Medical Imaging"@en ;
dct:issued "1997"^^xsd:gYear ;
dct:creator _:allison, _:strickland ;
dct:publisher [
a foaf:Organization ;
foaf:name "CRC Press"
] .
a foaf:Person ;
foaf:name "Nicola Strickland" .
a foaf:Person ;
foaf:name "David J. Allison" .
IIIF (in JSON-LD) format
// Metadata about this manifest file
"@context": "",
"@id": "",
"@type": "sc:Manifest",
// Descriptive metadata about the object/work
"label": "Book 1",
"metadata": [
{"label": "Author", "value": "Anne Author"},
{"label": "Published", "value": [
{"@value": "Paris, circa 1400", "@language": "en"},
{"@value": "Paris, environ 1400", "@language": "fr"}
{"label": "Notes", "value": ["Text of note 1", "Text of note 2"]},
{"label": "Source",
"value": "<span>From: <a href=\"\">Some Collection</a></span>"}
"description": "A longer description of this example book. It should give some real information.",
"thumbnail": {
"@id": ",100/0/default.jpg",
"service": {
"@context": "",
"@id": "",
"profile": ""
// Presentation Information
"viewingDirection": "right-to-left",
"viewingHint": "paged",
"navDate": "1856-01-01T00:00:00Z",
// Rights Information
"license": "",
"attribution": "Provided by Example Organization",
"logo": {
"@id": "",
"service": {
"@context": "",
"@id": "",
"profile": ""
// Links
"@id": "",
"format": "video/mpeg"
"service": {
"@context": "",
"@id": "",
"profile": ""
"seeAlso": {
"@id": "",
"format": "text/xml",
"profile": ""
"rendering": {
"@id": "",
"label": "Download as PDF",
"format": "application/pdf"
"within": "",
// List of sequences
"sequences": [
"@id": "",
"@type": "sc:Sequence",
"label": "Current Page Order"
// sequence's page order should be included here, see below...
// Any additional sequences can be referenced here...
// Metadata about this sequence
"@context": "",
"@id": "",
"@type": "sc:Sequence",
"label": "Current Page Order",
"viewingDirection": "left-to-right",
"viewingHint": "paged",
"startCanvas": "",
// The order of the canvases
"canvases": [
"@id": "",
"@type": "sc:Canvas",
"label": "p. 1"
// ...
"@id": "",
"@type": "sc:Canvas",
"label": "p. 2"
// ...
"@id": "",
"@type": "sc:Canvas",
"label": "p. 3"
// ...
// Metadata about this canvas
"@context": "",
"@id": "",
"@type": "sc:Canvas",
"label": "p. 1",
"height": 1000,
"width": 750,
"thumbnail" : {
"@id" : "",
"@type": "dctypes:Image",
"height": 200,
"width": 150
"images": [
"@type": "oa:Annotation"
// Link from Image to canvas should be included here, as below
"otherContent": [
// Reference to list of other Content resources, _not included directly_
"@id": "",
"@type": "sc:AnnotationList"