
Results 10 comments of jamiematrix

I know this is old, but I've just seen the same problem on a 3.6 site. It was happening on the homepage entry in the CP. The homepage has 4...

@MvBeurden @itsdwizzy [The docs](https://github.com/craftcms/contact-form#usage) detail `{{ actionInput('contact-form/send') }}` so I'm guessing it would be similar syntax using a hidden field (as @itsdwizzy has pointed out)

Came here to ask a similar question. It seems that the default required fields (body, fromEmail) have set error messages. I haven't delved into the source yet, but will try...

We use [Contact Form Extentions](https://plugins.craftcms.com/contact-form-extensions) to log the submissions. Also good for adding in Captcha functionality.

@61pixels Do the partials have to be within a "partials" folder for CSS to be compiled? All the projects I've taken on have all the SCSS files in the same...

Thank you @bertoost ! Was trying to look for a solution where Google was reporting the x-robots-tag was stopping a client site from being crawled. Our env was set to...

@SkermBE The URL next to "Referring Page" in your page indexing screenshot is indeed blocking Googlebot: ``` User-agent: Googlebot Disallow: /?* User-agent: Baiduspider Disallow: /?* User-agent: YandexBot Disallow: /?* User-agent:...

I've just noticed the same. Also when saving the SEO title as blank a second or so after the SEO title field is emptied, it auto-populates with the entry title...

@oayoub84 - worked for me too!

We're in the process of updating a site to Craft 4 and have hit the same issue here. The `craft migrate/all` command completes 24/25 migrations, the last being related to...