Jakub Kraus

Results 11 comments of Jakub Kraus

iOS is working fine for me. Notifications are coming. Android notifications are coming too, but just the data. No real push notification. For now I was able to trigger notification...

@fbartho do you know if you are able to show unread messages for user?

Update: in my opinion you need to somehow fire the notification, not sure if firebase is missing something. ``` class MyFirebaseMessagingService extends FirebaseMessagingService { @Override onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) { Log.d(TAG, "fire...

@ArtemVass I'm on trial, but still should be used for 14 days the Professional plan.

@ArtemVass thx for the info. I will try. but here: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022365313-Enabling-push-notifications-in-the-Chat-SDK-for-mobile-apps From zendesk support: ``` Hi Maulik Pandya! I'm not aware of any limitations for trialers, however there could be...

@ArtemVass I think you are probably right. Notification from zendesk: ``` {"data": {"data": "{\"author\":\"Jakub Kraus\",\"message\":\"sdsdsd\",\"type\":\"zd.chat.msg\",\"ts\":1613552261}"}, "from": "341409816227", "messageId": "0:1613552261649404%1596f81ef9fd7ecd", "sentTime": 1613552261633, "ttl": 2419200} ``` Test notification from Firebase: ``` {"collapseKey":...

Facing same problem. This is probably zendesk issue. I have 2 accounts. One is working just fine and the other is not working on iOS. Just not connect to Zendesk.

I don't think you need appId. This is just for push notifications. I think Zendesk is having some nice bugs there. Can you try to create new account on zendesk...

@amserhii11 what exactly was wrong? :)

Hey, I was able to fix this issue by not using those lines: ``` tags: ['Not-working'], department: 'Not working', ``` Pls check last message to see which issue I was...