Jakub Kraus
Jakub Kraus
iOS is working fine for me. Notifications are coming. Android notifications are coming too, but just the data. No real push notification. For now I was able to trigger notification...
@fbartho do you know if you are able to show unread messages for user?
Update: in my opinion you need to somehow fire the notification, not sure if firebase is missing something. ``` class MyFirebaseMessagingService extends FirebaseMessagingService { @Override onMessageReceived(RemoteMessage remoteMessage) { Log.d(TAG, "fire...
@ArtemVass I'm on trial, but still should be used for 14 days the Professional plan.
@ArtemVass thx for the info. I will try. but here: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360022365313-Enabling-push-notifications-in-the-Chat-SDK-for-mobile-apps From zendesk support: ``` Hi Maulik Pandya! I'm not aware of any limitations for trialers, however there could be...
@ArtemVass I think you are probably right. Notification from zendesk: ``` {"data": {"data": "{\"author\":\"Jakub Kraus\",\"message\":\"sdsdsd\",\"type\":\"zd.chat.msg\",\"ts\":1613552261}"}, "from": "341409816227", "messageId": "0:1613552261649404%1596f81ef9fd7ecd", "sentTime": 1613552261633, "ttl": 2419200} ``` Test notification from Firebase: ``` {"collapseKey":...
Facing same problem. This is probably zendesk issue. I have 2 accounts. One is working just fine and the other is not working on iOS. Just not connect to Zendesk.
I don't think you need appId. This is just for push notifications. I think Zendesk is having some nice bugs there. Can you try to create new account on zendesk...
@amserhii11 what exactly was wrong? :)
Hey, I was able to fix this issue by not using those lines: ``` tags: ['Not-working'], department: 'Not working', ``` Pls check last message to see which issue I was...