Is there a way to display series labels in donut charts? As currently there is no way to distinguish the inner circles from the outer circles. The example below displays...
Hi. Is there a way to add a "%" after the value (85%) while keeping the value animated? I would have thought this was possible through the use of valueText:...
Transitions between slides in bx-slider appear to be smooth in all browsers but not in Google Chrome. Thanks.
Hi, When declaring the below scss bundle `pipe.AddScssBundle("/css/site.bundle.css", "/lib/jqueryui/jquery-ui.min.css", "/lib/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.scss");` then disabling enableTagHelperBundling in appsettings.json `"enableTagHelperBundling": false` it gets rendered as bootstrap.css, not bootstrap.scss `` `` In my case "/lib/bootstrap/scss/bootstrap.css"...