James Wyse

Results 6 comments of James Wyse

@furqanZafar thanks for the update. I just tried upgrading to 3.0.0 but am getting errors about `react-dom-factories` being missing (I added it as a regular dependency to my project but...

Would love to see these features. Any update @danielfarrell ?

I've been trying out the experimental executor (with all libs on latest stable versions) but it seems to be slower with it enabled. I did some basic comparison benchmarks by...

Any updates on this? I've been using a simple shell script to save those keystrokes: ``` bash #!/usr/bin/env sh node . | bunyan -o short ``` But I had some...

I'm seeing this problem as well.. ``` - - [10/May/2015 07:26:08] "GET /api/products?limit=60 HTTP/1.1" 301 - - - [10/May/2015 07:26:08] "GET /api//products/?limit=60 HTTP/1.1" 404 - ``` The redirect...