James West

Results 4 issues of James West

Is is possible to perform a TS.RANGE GROUPBY with multiple labels? So a group for every combination of the values of the specified label's values - like an SQL GROUP...


## Summary Is there support for the LATEST argument to be supplied to TS.MRANGE via the plugin? ## Relevant information Optional Arguments LATEST (since RedisTimeSeries v1.8) https://redis.io/commands/ts.mrange/

Support for the LATEST argument in TS.MRANGE

Hi I'm having some trouble building the master branch locally ![image](https://github.com/RedisGrafana/grafana-redis-datasource/assets/108466793/15c3c9f9-897b-4c0e-b380-f44a9359501f) pkg/data-frame.go:1: : # github.com/redisgrafana/grafana-redis-datasource/pkg [github.com/redisgrafana/grafana-redis-datasource/pkg.test] pkg/datasource.go:21:38: cannot use newDataSourceInstance (value of type func(setting backend.DataSourceInstanceSettings) (instancemgmt.Instance, error)) as datasource.InstanceFactoryFunc value...