James Thurley
James Thurley
Hello, what is the status of this one year on? I see there still isn't a pre-release package available yet. Is that likely to come soon?
Hi @bergben, thanks for the quick reply! Interesting, I saw that in your readme but hoped it really just meant "not Angular 1.x" ;) It's actually working well for me...
I also consistently see this issue across multiple laptops and in all the dev containers I've set up that pass through the $DISPLAY variable. I don't have a `DISPLAY` environment...
It seems you [don't need to specify](https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-remote-release/issues/550#issuecomment-1404695068) `DISPLAY` or `WAYLAND_DISPLAY` or `XDG_RUNTIME_DIR` in the `containerEnv` section of the `devcontainer.json` any more. They are set automatically. Therefore removing `"DISPLAY": "${localEnv:DISPLAY}"` from...
Another vote for Docker Desktop on ARM64, as a Surface Pro X user.