James Talmage

Results 145 comments of James Talmage

> a setting whether to only run XO when package.json has it? > > .... > > but then you need to have some packages installed again, where this issue...

> It's about being able to just put in a default XO config (same as the one in package.json) in the Atom settings. Ahh - I see. Yeah that's cool....

> Sidenote: It seems this plugin already incorrectly only uses the bundled XO version instead of the local one when available. So we'll need to change it to do the...

Hmm. I guess I don't understand. You are discussing automatically loading up the locally installed XO version right? That means the API this plugin uses will change.

Just an idea: what about creating an argv based interface. Instead of passing an options object, you pass an argv array, and get back an eslint report. ``` js var...

Or, possibly better. Let's just expose a new API method that we will support long term. You can't pass it any configuration options: ``` js var xo = requireLocally('xo'); var...

maybe. When I tried integrating HackTimer manually, it did not actually make that big of a difference (still had slow tests). I was under the impression that Chrome had closed...

`nyc` provides istanbul based coverage reports, and uses `append-transform` to wrap require extensions in a way that is compatible with `proxyquire` and almost any other correctly executed require extension. https://github.com/jamestalmage/__demo-nyc-with-proxyquire

I like this idea.

`no-negated-condition` does not prevent the style @kevva is proposing. It just tells you to un-negate the condition and flip the [`consequent` and `alternate`](https://github.com/estree/estree/blob/master/spec.md#ifstatement) blocks.