James Stout

Results 41 comments of James Stout

Maybe #23? For me, I'm loading from ObjC, so I tagged the menu button in IB, then in my VC that instantiates the menu: ```objc [self presentViewController:self.menuViewController animated:YES completion:^{ for...

> A good first thing to try to figure out would be if an XPC helper could gain access to a socket and somehow communicate that back to the main...

I managed to change the registered app for the `mysql` URL scheme to a sequel ace instance attached to my debugger. When I ran: `open root@localhost?socket=%2Ftmp%2Fmysql.sock` It get's picked up...

almost got it working: https://github.com/jamesstout/Sequel-Ace/tree/url-scheme

what happens if you start SA like this: `LIBMYSQL_ENABLE_CLEARTEXT_PLUGIN=1 /Applications/Sequel\ Ace.app/Contents/MacOS/Sequel\ Ace`

@pkhetrapal any chance of a test account/db?

> Indeed, we might have to use a file selector to select the socket, and use a bookmark... That would mean making that field mandatory. I can't get the NSOpenPanel...

> @jamesstout is that with show hidden files/folders enabled in the open panel? Yep.

If you set the app to be not sandboxed, you can connect, but the socket file still doesn't appear in the open panel. ![Screenshot 2020-06-28 at 5 14 52 PM](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1576190/85943588-94594280-b963-11ea-88da-c771bc357219.png)

I don't think so, pretty sure I tested that. The sockets do appear if you use `[urlArr setArray:[fm contentsOfDirectoryAtPath:selectedFilePath error:&err]];` `urlArr` contains the socket. But it hasn't been selected by...